Avocadoed Toast (Buttered Toast but Better)


Do you have an avocado tree in your back yard? If the answer is yes, let’s swap houses. For a while. Like, ‘til the avocado tree stops producing avocados. Deal?

The poster child for ‘Don’t judge a fruit by its cover,” avocados - once the rarest of fruits - are everywhere these days. Guacamole, omelets, salads, tarts, avocados included in any type of recipe guarantee an extra glance, because what’s sweeter, creamier, and more luscious than an avocado?

Butter but Better.

Grinch green, avocados won’t make your heart grow three sizes, but they’ll definitely help keep your heart healthy. Packed with monounsaturated fat, avocados can help lower LDL levels while raising the amount of HDL cholesterol in your body. They also allow for the absorption of other carotenoids that are essential for heart health -especially beta-carotene and lycopene.

So, ditch the pit and scoop the fruit. From breakfast to dinner, Avocados = awesome.



  • 1 – 1 ½ avocados

  • 4 slices sourdough or whole grain bread, toasted

  • 1 garlic clove, peeled and cut in half (or a sprinkle of garlic powder)

  • Sea salt and pepper to taste

  • Lemon or lime juice

  • Pinch of cracked red pepper flakes

  • OPTIONAL toppings: Red pepper, cherry tomatoes, or olives - small diced


  1. Toast bread. Drizzle each slice with extra virgin olive oil, and rub with halved garlic clove.

  2. Cut ripe (but not overripe) avocados in half. Remove pit, scoop flesh into a small bowl, and mash with fork until desired creaminess (or chunkiness).

  3. Sprinkle mashed avocado with lemon or lime juice. Add a pinch of cracked red pepper, garlic powder and /or sea salt. Gently combine, and spread on toast.

  4. Sprinkle optional toppings over avocado spread if desired. Chia and sesame seeds are a great add.