

WHAT’S IN IT                                                          

  • 4 cups filtered water

  • 2 lemons

  • 1 T pure maple syrup

HOW TO MAKE IT                                                    

1.     Cut the lemons in half

2.     Using a lemon squeezer, squeeze all the juice from the lemons

3.     Add the maple syrup and stir

4.     Add the lemon juice mixture to 4 cups filtered water and stir well

5.     Pour into a pitcher

6.     Cut two of the lemon halves in half and add to the lemonade

7.     Chill and serve over ice


WHY IT’S HEALTHY                     

Most lemonade is loaded with refined sugar, and some of the leading brands add high fructose corn syrup and yellow dye.   Lemons are rich in Vitamin C needed for collagen production that is essential for smooth, healthy skin. They are rich in bioflavonoids (which can significantly boost the immune system) and are a good source of B6, thiamin, calcium, magnesium and potassium. Pure maple syrup contains up to 24 different antioxidants capable of reducing free radical damage that can cause inflammation and contribute to the formation of various chronic diseases.  It also contains zinc and manganese in fairly high amounts. Zinc can help fight illness and improve immunity since it keeps your level of white blood cells up, while manganese plays a role a crucial role in fat and carbohydrate metabolism, calcium absorption, and blood sugar regulation. Dark, grade B maple syrup typically contains more beneficial antioxidants than the lighter syrups.