
Lobster Lovester

Sure, you can live in Maine because the scenery is stunning, Portland is spectacular, and the beaches, coast, ocean are, well, beaches, coast and ocean. But the single best reason to live in Maine is that you can walk up to a food truck - just steps away from a lighthouse, and buy a lobster roll with meat caught from the sea only hours ago. For those of us who don’t live in Maine, pretending will have to do. Whip up one of these lobster sandwishes, close your eyes and listen for the sea as you take a bite of juicy lobster sweetness and spice. There are a zillion ways to season and dress lobster meat for rolls. Simple is best!

NOTE: 1 1/4 lb lobster, shelled = ¼ lb of meat.  5 lbs of lobster, shelled = 1 lb lobster meat.   


  • 1 1/2 pounds of cooked lobster meat, chunked in bite sized pieces

  • 2 T organic mayonnaise

  • 1 t lemon juice

  • 1 t Penzeys Sunny Paris spice (or sub your favorite)

  • ½ t celery seed

  • 1 T chives, finely chopped

  • Pinch of sea salt and pepper

  • Sourdough rolls or bread, sliced and toasted


1.    In a small bowl, stir seasonings, herbs and lemon juice together with mayonnaise.

2. In a large bowl, combine chunked lobster meat with mayonnaise mixture. Refrigerate, covered, up to 2 hours.

3. Just before serving, heat a heavy skillet or griddle over medium heat until hot. Lightly brush outside of sourdough slices with ghee or avocado oil; transfer to skillet. Cook, turning once, until golden brown, about 60 seconds per side.

4. Spoon about 1/2 cup lobster mixture into each roll. Serve immediately.


Avocadoed Toast (Buttered Toast but Better)


Do you have an avocado tree in your back yard? If the answer is yes, let’s swap houses. For a while. Like, ‘til the avocado tree stops producing avocados. Deal?

The poster child for ‘Don’t judge a fruit by its cover,” avocados - once the rarest of fruits - are everywhere these days. Guacamole, omelets, salads, tarts, avocados included in any type of recipe guarantee an extra glance, because what’s sweeter, creamier, and more luscious than an avocado?

Butter but Better.

Grinch green, avocados won’t make your heart grow three sizes, but they’ll definitely help keep your heart healthy. Packed with monounsaturated fat, avocados can help lower LDL levels while raising the amount of HDL cholesterol in your body. They also allow for the absorption of other carotenoids that are essential for heart health -especially beta-carotene and lycopene.

So, ditch the pit and scoop the fruit. From breakfast to dinner, Avocados = awesome.



  • 1 – 1 ½ avocados

  • 4 slices sourdough or whole grain bread, toasted

  • 1 garlic clove, peeled and cut in half (or a sprinkle of garlic powder)

  • Sea salt and pepper to taste

  • Lemon or lime juice

  • Pinch of cracked red pepper flakes

  • OPTIONAL toppings: Red pepper, cherry tomatoes, or olives - small diced


  1. Toast bread. Drizzle each slice with extra virgin olive oil, and rub with halved garlic clove.

  2. Cut ripe (but not overripe) avocados in half. Remove pit, scoop flesh into a small bowl, and mash with fork until desired creaminess (or chunkiness).

  3. Sprinkle mashed avocado with lemon or lime juice. Add a pinch of cracked red pepper, garlic powder and /or sea salt. Gently combine, and spread on toast.

  4. Sprinkle optional toppings over avocado spread if desired. Chia and sesame seeds are a great add.



Chicken & Chickpeas



  • ¼ cup extra virgin olive oil

  • ¼ cup lemon juice

  • 1 t honey (locally sourced, if possible)

  • 1 t smoked paprika

  • ½ t cumin

  • ½ t salt

  • ½ t pepper

  • 1 small red onion, thinly sliced

  • ¼ cup fresh mint, chopped

  • 2 15 oz cans chickpeas, rinsed


  • ½ cup almond flour

  • 2 -4 T avocado oil or ghee

  • 1 - 1½ pounds of organic, boneless, skinless chicken breast; trimmed, and cut or pounded (between 2 sheets of wax paper) into ½ inch thick breasts or tenders


1.      In a large bowl, whisk together olive oil, lemon juice, honey, paprika, cumin , salt and pepper. Set aside 3 T of dressing. Add chick peas, mint and onion to large bowl, and stir to combine with remaining dressing.

2.      Spread almond flour in shallow plate (pie plate works well!)  Coat each piece of chicken with flour, shaking off excess.

3.      Heat ghee or avocado oil in skillet to medium-high heat, until just smoking. Cook chicken in skillet, turning as needed, until both sides are browned and chicken is fully cooked (160 degrees). This should take about 6 minutes on each side.

4.      Spread chick pea salad on a serving platter. Transfer cooked chicken to platter, arranging pieces over salad.  Drizzle reserved dressing over chicken and serve.


Chickpeas help to boost digestion and keep blood sugar levels stable. They have high levels of iron, zinc, folate, phosphorus, and B vitamins and are a great source of folate which helps the body to effectively produce new cells as it plays a role in copying and synthesizing DNA. Lemons are rich in Vitamin C needed for collagen production that is essential for smooth, healthy skin. They are rich in bioflavonoids (which can significantly boost the immune system) and are a good source of B6, thiamin, calcium, magnesium and potassium. Red onion has sulfur compounds, and studies have shown an inverse association between the frequency of consuming onions and the risk of several common cancers. Onions can also protect against too much LDL cholesterol by limiting the activity of harmful free radicals within blood vessels, lowering oxidative stress, improving blood circulation and blood pressure levels. Capsaican, an ingredient in hot peppers that is used to make paprika, is know to support immune function. Paprika can help improve the health of your eyes and also has antioxidants that fight free radical damage.  Cumin aids digestion, boosts the immune system and promotes healthy skin.  Coriander can help control blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure.  Extra Virgin Olive oil contains oleocanthal which has properties similar to non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs. EVOO helps keep blood pressure low and prevent LDL oxidation, and has a monounsaturated fatty acid called oleic acid which is heart-healthy and helps fight free radical damage. Spearmint is packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants such as vitamin A, C, B-complex, beta carotene, iron, magnesium, calcium, manganese, and potassium. It can also help soothe digestive ailments like nausea and indigestion. 






Egglicious Salad


6 free range eggs, large

• 1⁄4 cup avocado oil mayonnaise

• 2 T red onions, minced

• 1 T fresh parsley leaves, minced (can also use dill, chives, or cilantro)

• 1 medium stalk celery, chopped fine

• 2 t Dijon mustard

• 2 t lemon juice

• 1⁄4 t sea salt

• Ground black pepper to taste



1. Place eggs in a medium saucepan with water 1 inch above eggs. Bring to a boil over high heat.

2. Remove pan from heat, cover and let sit for 10 minutes.

3. Transfer eggs (with spoon) to a medium bowl filled with ice water for 5 – 10 minutes.

4. Roll eggs across countertop to gently crack shell. Peel eggs and dice.

5. Mix all ingredients together in a medium bowl until just combined. Refrigerate and serve when cold. Will last one day in the fridge.



Eggs have 6 grams of high-quality protein that help sustain mental and physical energy throughout the day. Choline in egg yolks promotes normal cell activity, liver function and the transportation of nutrients throughout the body.Red onion has sulfur compounds, and studies have shown an inverse association between the frequency of consuming onions and the risk of several common cancers. Onions can also protect against too much LDL cholesterol by limiting the activity of harmful free radicals within blood vessels, lowering oxidative stress, improving blood circulation and blood pressure levels. Celery can lower high cholesterol and inflammation and is super hydrating.  Lemons are rich in Vitamin C needed for collagen production that is essential for smooth, healthy skin. They are rich in bioflavonoids (which can significantly boost the immune system) and are a good source of B6, thiamin, calcium, magnesium and potassium. Cilantro is packed with vitamins A, K, & C, minerals such as iron, calcium, and magnesium, and has more antioxidants than most fruits or vegetables. Cilantro is a heavy-metal detoxifier and is able to remove mercury and aluminum from where it is stored in the fat tissues. Parsley is a detoxifier and full of nutrition, including B vitamins as well as vitamins A, C, and K. If you are low in trace minerals; parsley provides magnesium, sulfur, iron, zinc, manganese, molybdenum, chromium, selenium, iodine, and calcium.  It’s also helpful for anything related to the mouth; like gum disease and tooth decay. Black pepper helps the main potent active ingredient (curcumin) in turmeric to be fully absorbed by the body during digestion.   




Crispy Chick Pea Tacos


  • 1 can chickpeas - drain, rinse and dry

  • 1 T avocado oil

  • 1 T garlic powder

  • 1 ½ t dried oregano

  • 1/8 t cayenne pepper

  • ¼ t red chili flake

  • 1 T cumin

  • 1 T coriander

  • 1 t turmeric

  • 1 t black pepper

  • ½ t salt

  • 1 avocado, diced

  • 1 medium tomato, diced

  • 4 green onions, diced

  • ½ head romaine lettuce, diced

  • ½ cup sliced black olives

  • Cashew sour cream or sour cream

  • Tortillas


1.    Combine spices in bowl. Set aside.

2.   Chop avocado, tomato, green onions, lettuce and olives.  Put in separate bowls to use as toppings.

3.    In skillet over med-high heat add coconut oil and heat until a chickpea dropped into it  sizzles (about 1-2 min).

4.    Add chickpeas. Stir to coat with oil.

5.    Sprinkle half of the spice mixture over chick peas, and cook 'til chickpeas brown on one side without burning - about 3 minutes. 

6.    Turn chickpeas. Add the rest of the spice mixture and cook another 2-3 minutes.

7.    Reduce heat to medium, stirring chickpeas. When they are golden brown in color, drain on paper towel and move to a serving dish.

8.    Serve with organic tortillas and toppings of your choice



Chickpeas help to boost digestion and keep blood sugar levels stable. They have high levels of iron, zinc, folate, phosphorus, and B vitamins, all of which are especially important for vegetarians and vegans who may be lacking in these essential nutrients due to avoiding animal products. Chickpeas are a great source of folate which helps the body to effectively produce new cells as it plays a role in copying and synthesizing DNA.  Cumin aids digestion, boosts the immune system and promotes healthy skin.  Coriander can help control blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure.  Turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory.



Pea Pesto



§  2 cups basil, packed

§  ½ cup parsley

§  ½ cup cilantro

§  1/3 cup pine nuts

§  4 cloves garlic (or less if you prefer)

§  ½ cup olive oil

§  1 lemon, juiced

§  1 cup frozen peas

§  1/2 teaspoon salt/pepper (or more to taste)



1.      Put oil in high speed blender

2.      Add basil, parsley, cilantro, garlic, lemon juice and pine nuts.  Blend

3.      Add peas, salt and pepper.

4.      For thicker consistency add more peas or pine nuts. To thin, add 1 Tbl olive oil or lemon juice

5.      Optional: Add 1/4 cup pecorino romano or parmesan cheese, grated

6.      Spread onto a plate and top with grilled salmon, chicken or tofu. 



Basil contains powerful anti-inflammatory properties and can provide relief for inflamed bowel conditions such as IBS. It significantly benefits the stomach during digestion and can provide immediate relief from gas, stomach cramps, and nausea. Basil is a rich source of magnesium and is also highly antibacterial and antiviral.  Cilantro is packed with vitamins A, K, & C, minerals such as iron, calcium, and magnesium, and has more antioxidants than most fruits or vegetables. Cilantro is a heavy-metal detoxifier and is able to remove mercury and aluminum from where it is stored in the fat tissues. Parsley does an amazing job alkalizing the body and is great for anything mouth-related such as gum disease, tooth decay, and dry mouth, as it impedes the growth of unproductive microorganisms. Peas are a very good source of vitamin K, manganese, dietary fiber, vitamin B1, copper, vitamin C, phosphorus and folate. They are also a good source of vitamin B6, niacin, vitamin B2, molybdenum, zinc, protein, magnesium, iron, potassium and choline.


