Sunshine doesn’t just boost our spirits; it boosts our health. We need about 20 minutes of sunshine a day (without sunscreen) to help our bodies make Vitamin D - a super important vitamin that strengthens bones and the immune system, and lessens our risks of breast, colon, kidney and ovarian cancers.

But after we get sufficient sun exposure to build Vitamin D it’s important to protect our skin against too much of a good thing - those UVA and UVB rays that can lead to sunburn, skin damage, and skin cancer. So… we slather on the sunscreen!

If you aren’t already purchasing your sunscreen according to the EWG sunscreen report, it’s time to evaluate your current brand. The Environmental Working Group (EWG) recently posted its 2021 guide to sunscreens and found that three-quarters of the 1800 sunscreens tested did not provide adequate sun protection or included ingredients linked to harm.

Oxybenzone is just one example of a harmful ingredient. Oxybenzone was found in about 20 percent of the products tested this year, including 40 percent of the non-mineral options. Oxybenzone is:

·       allergenic

·       a potential endocrine disruptor which may increase the risk of breast cancer and endometriosis

·       likely more harmful to children than adults because of higher absorption and bioaccumulation

Sunscreen regulations have not been updated since 2011.  In 2019 the FDA planned to update the regulations however the proposal was withdrawn in the first coronavirus relief bill due to changes in the way over-the-counter-drugs are regulated.

The FDA’s proposal recognized just two ingredients as safe and effective, zinc oxide and titanium dioxide.  The FDA has proposed that 12 other active ingredients commonly found in sunscreens, including oxybenzone, need additional data from safety and efficacy tests. Those ingredients are used in about 60 percent of the sunscreens EWG assessed this year.

 So, while we want to be sure to get our twenty minutes of sunscreen-free sunshine, for extended time in the sun it’s important to use one of the safest sunscreens on the market.

Concerned?  Check your brand here

Thanks for the great work EWG!