Kindly don’t ask which Star Wars character is whom, or did what, in a galaxy far - or not so far - away. Though I’ve seen every film, I only remember a few of the major characters. The Cute, Funny, Menacing, and Bad-ass ones.

And then there are the Bizarre peeps. The big gooey Pizza Guy, and Jar Jar Binks.

I’ve endured plenty of heated discussions determining whether Jar Jar Binks is the worst Star Wars character ever featured on film. Considering there are 7,314 Star Wars films and a trillion characters, I feel kinda sorry for Jar Jar. And though he (she? it? they?) has absolutely nothing to do with wellnessmultiplied, I need a catchy name for this bizarrely delicious, out of the norm feta cheese fabulous concoction that I am insisting you make for your next party. Or lunch. Or snack.

Confession: I love cheese. European cheese; in most shapes, textures and stinky variations. But feta has never been a fave of mine. ‘Til last week. My sis handed me a small jar filled with white chunks floating in golden liquid, surrounded by green flakes and stems.

“I know you’re a cheese snob,” she says. “But feta’s really good for you. Low in calories. High in B vitamins, phosphorous and calcium. Good for your bones and your gut. Just taste it.”

Try it I did, because if my sister was a Star Wars character, she’d be the bad-ass cook. I tasted that cheese spread, and then I promptly hid it from the rest of my family.

So what to call the glorious cheese and herbs in a jar?

Jar Jar Feta.

Here’s a TIP. Make Jar Jar Feta. Eat it. Hide it from your family, or share it with everyone you know. It’s cannot help but be a fan favorite!



  1. Cut a block of feta cheese into chunks.

  2. Select your favorite fresh herbs; rinse, dry, sliver and mix together. We use rosemary, thyme, chives, a few sprinkles of hot pepper flakes, and a bay leaf.

  3. Layer the bottom of a clean glass jar with feta chunks (I used a 6 oz jar.) Sprinkle herbs and hot pepper flakes over the cheese.

  4. Continue layering cheese, and sprinkling the layers of cheese with herbs until layers reach 1/2 inch or so from the top of the jar. Leave room for oil.

  5. Tuck a bay leaf down one side of the jar.

  6. Slowly pour extra virgin olive oil over the layers of cheese and spice until all jar contents are covered (the cheese will get moldy if not completely doused.)

  7. Marinate for 24 hours. Serve as cheese spread with veggies, sour dough baguette slices, or whole wheat crackers.

    Refrigerate for up to three days.