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Pumpkins are most famous for their spicy fall flavor, added to everything from coffee to candles. Their delicious seeds can also - and much more importantly - improve our sleep!

Magnesium is an essential mineral that allows more than 300 enzymes in your body to function correctly. Your body relies on optimal magnesium absorption for many things, including muscle relaxation and sleep. Insomnia is one of the central symptoms of chronic magnesium deficiency.  

It's estimated that up to 70% of Americans may have a magnesium deficiency.  Since magnesium is not produced by the body, we need to purposefully consume plenty of magnesium-rich foods - such as leafy greens, nuts and seeds. Why are so many of us magnesium deficient?  Our diets include many processed, high-starch and refined foods, and pesticides often deplete our farm and garden soils of essential minerals. Eating organically grown vegetables and fruits is an incremental step toward better health. Snacking on pumpkin seeds is a fantastic source of magnesium and an easy addition to your diet—add them to cereal, salads, and rice dishes for extra crunch. Or grab a handful as an afternoon snack. Spinach and swiss chard are also rich in magnesium, but some magnesium is lost through the cooking process. To preserve more of the magnesium, add the spinach or swiss chard to your morning smoothie.                   

Foods to boost your magnesium levels are:  Spinach. Swiss  Chard. Pumpkin seeds. Almonds. Sesame seeds. Dark Chocolate. Avocado. Walnuts. Brown Rice. Dried Figs. Black beans. Broccoli. Bananas.