POP. Corn. Popcorn. POPCORN. Popcorn popcorn popcorn.

I’m obsessed with popcorn. Because it’s fun. And, well, corny. Don’t tell my second child, but I used to ask her Dad to drive to the local movie theatre to buy his beloved popcorn for seven of the nine months that I anticipated her arrival. Eventually, it just made sense for that Dad to buy his wife a popcorn popper.

And pop corn I have done. Regularly.  Even before I found out it was a healthy snack, full of several important nutrients.  Zinc. Manganese. Lots of important fiber. And antioxidants, too!

Popcorn contains nutrients and compounds that are associated with:

·         Improved digestion

·         Regulated blood sugar

·         Reduced cholesterol

·         Weight loss

·         Cancer prevention

I pop organic popcorn in a stovetop popcorn popper with coconut oil and sea salt. Then I spice it up with an array of spices. Rosemary. Mint. Cinnamon. Chives. Fennel. Cardamom. Cloves. Cayenne and Paprika. Love a certain spice? Chop and/or sprinkle it on the popcorn just after popping.  If you don’t have a popcorn popper, Trader Joe’s sells organic popcorn with sea salt. Open the bag, and toss in the spice! 

